My beautiful boy

I see you struggling with the world around you, I watch the fear cross your beautiful face, I hold you when the panic sets in, Unable to take its weight. I wish I could climb inside your bubble, To see the world through your eyes for a moment, To understand why you feel how you…

Balancing spoons

I first read Christine Miserandino’s ‘spoon theory’ about two years ago, when I was trying to understand my own condition and the limitations it brought. As with many people with chronic illness, I identified with it immediately and have since thought in terms of ‘spoons’ frequently. In essence, the theory describes how the capacity to…

I got this!

I try to think of the positives my disability brings as well as the negatives. There are some. Honest. Today I heard my youngest little one muttering to herself as she climbed up a particularly difficult part of the playground. She was holding onto a rope, whilst climbing up a steep slope, using half-logs to…

Teenagers and disabled parents

Teenagers are an alien species at the best of times but when managing chronic illness alongside guiding these strange creatures towards adulthood things can get much more complicated. My eldest is about to turn 15. She’s beautiful, intelligent, stubborn and egotistical. She knows everything and is perfectly content in the knowledge that she is absolutely…

Mindfulness: the holy raisin

Picture the scene: 15 adults with varying conditions and emotional difficulties sitting in a circle, intently staring at our designated raisin as we were guided through a meditation intended to bring us into a state of mindfulness. We had examined its shape and texture, considered its aroma and contemplated with anticipation how it may taste….

On the bright side

How can chronic conditions ever be positive? Anyone living with chronic illness or disabilities will have a list of things that affect their lives negatively. It can be more challenging to consider the ways you can actually benefit from these conditions. I get to take my kids on rides down hills clinging on to the…

Family fatigue

No, I don’t mean feeling tired of your family. I’m sure I’m not the only mother to question my decision to expand the human race at particular moments in time. The morning I discovered my youngest using her brand new soft dolly to paint the walls of the cloakroom (and her brother’s new uniform) with…

Out and about with disabilities and kids

One of the trickiest things I have had to learn my way around is how to get out and about with kids in tow. At various points in my journey I have had significant difficulty walking; sometimes I’ve needed to use a wheelchair, sometimes crutches and sometimes I have been able to walk unaided, but…

My story

I’m hoping this section will help other parents with disabilities to understand that they are not alone. Sometimes simply knowing that you are not the only one going through something can give you the courage to keep going, to open the curtains and push through another day. Perhaps even just the strength to get out…

Parenting through chronic conditions

Parenting is tough. When a new baby arrives they bring happiness and an endless supply of love with them. However, they also bring a whole host of challenges and turn your world upside down. Wave goodbye to sleep, privacy and space when a new bundle of joy arrives on the scene! Parents find a whole…